Sep 23, 2012

Mallorca: Sleep, Beach, Eat...Beach

In my first opportunity to really celebrate my birthday and travel outside the iberian peninsula, friends from the group and I decided to take a trip to Mallorca. If you didn't know, it's one of the Balearic Islands off the eastern coast of Spain in the Mediterranean.....yeap, I said the mediterranean. I swam in it, no big deal.

It was the most relaxing time I've had in years. We stayed at Hostel Atlanta, which was only 2 blocks away from the beach. We were fortunate that one of the girls' rooms had a balcony so we hung out there during the night (pre gaming) then we would go to Palmas (the capital of Mallorca) and danced our feet away at Tito's nightclub. This was an expensive place to dance in but when you have 10-12  girls with you that are eager to gotta do it; I call it paying for the "experience." Anyway, after a long night of dancing, drinking and taxi rides one deserves to spend all day at the beach. That is exactly what we did. Camped our behinds out on the sand, get some sun and take a dip in the water. What more can one ask for on the weekend after his 21st birthday? Nothing! It was an incredibly fun experience with an incredibly fun group of young people. Check out a few pics from the trip; More coming soon.

 Andres, Brand, PappaG n me

 The Bogler n I

 Buckets on Buckets

 Yeap...that's the beach view

Loner Swag

"Tío Pedro" from the group Los Chichos

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