Sep 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

I've been waiting 21 years so say this but world, here is your newest edition to the 21 club! I truly feel blessed to be this old and be able to look back at the things that I've done but also at the things that I have yet to do. I'd like to thank my momma for bringing me to this earth, my father for being a mentor and my grandmother for raising me into the person that I am today. I couldn't be more happy with the things that God has thrown my way; Looking forward to 21 more years! 

As I've said in previous posts, I'm going to celebrate in the island Palmas de Mallorca (google it, it's beautiful) from Thursday-Saturday so I'll come back with crazy pictures. For now, here is a picture of a stud when he was about 5-6. cmon!

What a stud!

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