Sep 2, 2012

Madrid is getting real

Here we go, now this is starting to get good. I've been in orientation for the past two days taking culture/grammar classes as well as registering for classes. First of all, the Hamilton center is really nice, really clean and really welcoming. The staff is really outgoing, encouraging and approachable. We also have been split into 5 small groups that are led by Spanish college students so they know the ins and out of the city life and culture. They are by far the coolest kids around the block. One of them is named Danny and even though he is not my guide I've gravitated towards him because I feel like he's the guy to learn from. My guide, Elena, is a sweetheart who also knows a bunch and is very encouraging.

We spent the past 2 afternoon/late nights with them showing us around the city to all the cheap bars and enjoying a variety of delicious tapas. I've been drinking wine like a fish...well, fish don't drink wine of course but you catch my drift. Vino de Verano is a really soft drink composed of red wine, some sort of soft drink and lemon. SOOOOO GOOD! I've had it in almost every bar I've been to and I've been to about 10 in the past 2 days. I truly enjoy the drinking culture here because it's very casual. People go out before dinner to have an aperitivo and that can include a small bite to eat and a beer or some wine and it's completely social. Much different compared to the Hamilton drinking culture but this suits me more.

Well, I'm off to Galicia (northwest Spain) on Tuesday and returning Saturday so I'll take plenty of pics to post. In the mean time, check out the ones I've taken around the city including my host mom's Paella, which I just had. I'm off to a quick siesta. 

                  Cerveceria 100 Montaditos (Jarra a 1euro)

 Vino de Verano (Danny on my left)

My Host Mom's Paella

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