Sep 29, 2012

Holy Toledo

Plenty has happened since Mallorca. I've started my work-study job and my volunteer work as part of my internship class. However, the best news I got all week was a post-grad job offer from State Street. So, what did I do? Celebrate of course. Last night was a rainy day but that didn't stop the fellas and I from going out and having a few buckets. Another celebratory yet exploratory thing we did was to take a trip outside of Madrid and visit Toledo for the day.

Only a 50 minute bus ride away, the fellas and I got up early (11am..haha) and took off. It's incredible rural is gets once you get out of the city yet it is one of the most beautiful sightings ever. Apparently Toledo is a fortress town and we climbed up the vibrant cobblestone streets and simply explored. Most of us had bocadillos from our host moms so we posted up in the main plaza, had a bite to eat (plus a tallboy) and enjoyed the ambiance like typical americans. For the rest of the time we simply got lost among the narrow streets and tourists and checked out their cathedral among other old establishments. All in all, it was refreshing and enjoyable experience; it was good to get out of the city and see something different. Check out a few pics below.


Album cover!


Literary boss

Crazy view

Thank you camera timer

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