Sep 14, 2012

Oh yeah, Class!

So this week was the first official week of class. By first week I mean 4 days because if you don't know yet I have no Friday classes! Three day weekends every weekend. Anyway, I'm taking 4 really interesting classes: Economics of the European Union, Phonology and Phonetics, Flamenco and an internship. For my internship class, if I'm lucky, I'll be teaching english to high school students. It is totally voluntary work and by the end of the semester I will complete at least 60 hours and write 40 pages (20 field note pages and a 20-page research paper). It sounds like a lot of work but I think it will be a fun and enriching experience.

First week of class means first week of going out in Madrid. Given that we are so few, the guys in the program have gotten together and we've had the chance to hang out and get to know each other. We've been to 100 Montaditos a few times for causal 1euro beers or taking strolls through the Retiro park and meeting girls our age. And as we can infer, young girls means going to the clubs during the late nights. We've been to the most stereotypically European clubs with a predictable amount of Americans. Nonetheless, they are fun places to meet people my age, dance and simply enjoy Europe.

I haven't been proactive enough to take pictures at the Hamilton Center, where we have class, but here is a photo I found of most of the group at Joy Escava nightclub from last night. Gotta get ready to go out again...peace!

Joy Escava nightclub

 Shots = 1euro

Dubliners Irish Pub

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