Nov 20, 2012

Salamanca & León

Here we go again, another round of excursions with HCAYS. This time we got Salamanca and León on the line up. I had no idea what to expect but I had heard about the livelihood of both cities. First up was Salamanca; It's an interesting city because while it has so much history and old architecture, it is mixed with a modern, contemporary vibe due to all the young people that reside there during the school year. It's main plaza, Plaza Mayor, is almost identical to that one in Madrid but at the same time there are many modern restaurants (McD's...) and shopping stores on the outskirts of the downtown area. It's like the old and new are intertwined and simultaneously appreciated it.

León on the other hand was quite similar just that it felt more religious (more convents and cathedrals) than Salamanca but both have an incredible amount of history. The tapas system is unreal....because they are free. We went tapas hopping at night and it filled me up by the 5th bar. Its truly magnificent!

One thing about both cities that I did not expect was their night life. Yeah, I had heard that they were both lively places but I didn't expect to have such a great time. From the lay back culture, to the tapas, to the bars, to the 1 euro shots, to the women and the clubs, it made me wonder why we couldn't stay longer. The guys and I went out, took the city as we went and have a blast. By far the two cities in Spain where I enjoyed myself the most. I recommend it. Check out some pics below.

 Universidad de Salamanca

 Casually by the well

 Did I mention that the food was crazy good. #Cochinillo

 Shout out to the moon-man on the cathedral 

 Impressive Retablo

 Cathedrals on Cathedrals (León)

 Bro Pond

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